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Aphasia Education and Advocacy

Atomic Habits & Aphasia

When it comes to aphasia therapy, sometimes it feels like being “ALL-IN” comes and goes in waves. Sometimes we stay on track with home practice, and other times it feels like pulling teeth to get through a task. No matter where you find yourself right now, there’s GOOD NEWS: you can achieve all of your aphasia-related goals by changing your habits.

Road to Monument Valley

Situational Aphasia Wallet Cards 

Carrying a personalized wallet card can be a great way to educate others about Aphasia and about the communication strategies that help you the most. In honor of June being National Aphasia Awareness Month, our survivor Bryn Bowles has created a variety of wallet cards that can be used and shared for different situations (i.e. transport, pharmacist, cashier, etc.). AND these wallet cards each have a QR code that can be scanned for more information!

Business Introduction

Build Your Own Home Practice Program

Aphasia recovery is a slow road with an often windy path. However, we know that with continued
speech and language treatment, progress can be made. Unfortunately, speech and language therapy can get expensive, especially over several years. But, with a little bit of creativity, along with self-motivation and support, one can undoubtedly take control
of their own recovery by building their own home practice program. We encourage you to use this resource to start building your own home practice program. 

Working at Home

Writing Supports
for Aphasia

Writing is often challenging when you have Aphasia. We've compiled some of our best tips to support writing using a combination of apps and software features. 


Going Back to Work

 Finding a job for Stroke or Brain Injury Survivors with Aphasia can be a challenging  and unique experience.  We spoke with 3 young persons with Aphasia who are at varying stages of returning to work. Each story reveals the array of challenges a person with Aphasia faces as they try to return to or enter the workforce.  We've also included resources for PWA returning to work. 

Filling out a form

The Importance of Aphasia Advocacy

Advocating for Aphasia Awareness is extremely important. It is crucial for family members and professionals to get involved with Aphasia advocacy, especially early on when it might be particularly challenging for the person with Aphasia to advocate for  themselves. We reached out to some of our caregivers to ask how they advocate for their loved ones with Aphasia.

Book of French Laws


Activities Designed As Personal Therapy by Persons With Aphasia (ADAPT by PWA) are treatment activities that can supplement ones therapy sessions. Each activity was created by a Person with Aphasia and/or their caregivers. 

Family Board Game

Communication Strategies

Educate others with this list of communication strategies. 

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Check out our recommended books about Aphasia! Our list covers a range of topics and perspectives. 

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Tips and Tricks: Living with Aphasia

Navigating different communication environments can be difficult. We've put together a  few tips and tricks for several social situations such as ordering at a restaurant, talking in a group or visiting the pharmacy, to help you.

Ring of Light Bulbs

Navigating Aphasia Resources

Often we hear from clients, "I wish I knew about these resources sooner." or "I did not get any information from the hospital." This resource aims to change that . It is a succinct list which highlights the most popular Aphasia resources available. We hope that you will print this handout and distribute it to your local hospitals so that it can be shared with those newly diagnosed with Aphasia. 

Medical Checkup

Book Clubs

Book clubs are a great way to get back into reading after a stroke or brain injury. They offer a variety of difficulty and interest levels depending on the book club you join. We’ve put together a list of available book clubs, which include both in-person and online meetings.


Reading Supports
for Aphasia

Reading can be challenging when you have Aphasia. We've compiled some of our favorite tips for supporting reading using apps and software features.  

Book and Headphones

Aphasia Advocacy Videos

A few amazing Persons with Aphasia (PWA) volunteered their time to make a short series of education and advocacy videos to spread Awareness. Check them out!

Filming a Video

ADA Hospital Support

Patients with communication disabilities have a right to reasonable accommodations, which includes a patient's right for in-person support. This document will help you and others understand your rights.

Stethoscope on the Cardiogram

The National Aphasia Association (NAA) conducted a survey this year to learn how much the general public knows about Aphasia. It turns out we still have a lot of work to do...  

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Adaptive Sports

Adaptive sports can be a great way to get back to doing what you love or picking up a new activity after a stroke or brain injury. Check out our list of resources for adaptive sports organizations and expos to get you started!

Disabled Athletes in Sports Hall

National Aphasia Association

The NAA provides Aphasia-friendly resources and articles for Persons with Aphasia and Caregivers. You can also search their affiliates list for resources in your area. 

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The ABC's of Aphasia

 Inspired by our June Advocacy Project, you can now help build your loved ones vocabulary about and related to Aphasia with one simple handout!

Colorful Alphabets

What is Aphasia?: A Printable Handout

Use this brief 1-page summary about Acquired Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia to share with doctors, community members, family and friends. It was designed to be easy to understand and quick to read.


Acquired Aphasia vs. Primary Progressive Aphasia

While we are excited to see Aphasia in the news, recently, news sources have been using “Aphasia” to describe both Acquired Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia. Which unfortunately, can spread incorrect information. We want to provide information and resources on both Acquired Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia.

Doctor Diagnosis

Pursuing Higher Education

Boston University Aphasia Research Laboratory offers an Intensive Cognitive and Communication Rehabilitation (ICCR) program for young adults with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Aphasia who are interested in continuing or pursuing higher education. The program is now available for those living outside of the Boston area, via ZOOM. 

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Aphasia Awareness Quiz

Help us spread Aphasia Awareness by joining us and taking our Aphasia Quiz! Share the quiz with friends and family. Our goal is to educate as many people as possible about Aphasia!


Aphasia vs. Apraxia

APHASIA and APRAXIA - two words that you may have heard, sound sort of similar, but you're not sure exactly what they are, and if you have one or both. Find out more about Aphasia and Apraxia of speech here.


Wallet Cards

Carrying a personalized wallet card can be a great way to educate others about Aphasia and about the communication strategies that help you the most. 

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Neuroplasticity is how the brain changes and adapts as the results of an experience. Aphasia therapy helps to induce neuroplasticity and allows the brain to rewire and adapt to an injury.

Brain Sketch

©2021 by Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy

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